0 Items
01273 523257
Today 9:00am - 7:00pm
Today 9:00am - 7:00pm

We would appreciate if you could take a few minutes of your time to rate your delivery experience. (Average completion time: 2 Minutes)

This is an anonymous questionnaire, if you have any queries with your delivery contact us on: 01273523247 or uhsussex.delivery.pharm.sea@nhs.net

How would you rate the standards of packaging for your delivery?

How would you rate your driver's attitude?

From the time we made contact with you, how would you rate the timeliness of your delivery?

Taking into account - the in-pharmacy staff, the driver and the overall service provided - how would you rate your delivery experience?

How likely is it that you would recommend our medicine delivery service to friends & family?

Not Likely 1 - Extremely Likely 10

Who Delivered the Parcel?